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Ask The Expert – Using a GEDCOM to Import, Export, and Manage Your Tree

Daniel Horowitz

Genealogy Expert

A GEDCOM is a standard format that allows you to transfer family tree information from one place to another. Learn how to work with GEDCOMs to import, export, and manage family trees across multiple platforms.

1m 50s
Googling export GEDCOM
0m 50s
MyHeritage Help Center
1m 14s
Viewing a GEDCOM file
1m 53s
How to upload a GEDCOM to MyHeritage website
0m 43s
Viewing the uploaded tree
1m 50s
Exporting a GEDCOM from MyHeritage website
0m 27s
How are images included in the GEDCOM?
4m 6s
What happens to my tree when I upload a GEDCOM?
1m 39s
2m 33s
7m 54s
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