MyHeritage Knowledge Base

MyHeritage Knowledge Base

Educational content to master your skills and help you make the most of your research.


Live and recorded webinars and online sessions covering in-depth topics from experts in genealogy and DNA testing

Recent webinars & sessions

The Latest Developments in Searching Historical Records on MyHeritage

MyHeritage is home to billions of historical records containing countless discoveries for family historians everywhere; but what good is all that information if it’s hard to find? In this session, Maya Geier, Product Manager at MyHeritage, responsible for publication of historical records at MyHeritage, will show you all the latest cutting-edge developments in the search experience at MyHeritage that make it easier than ever to find what you’re looking for.

RootsTech 2024 Recap

Join Daniel Horowitz, genealogy expert at MyHeritage, for a detailed review of all the exciting MyHeritage announcements and events that took place at RootsTech! Hear all about the biggest news from the conference and enjoy some behind-the-scenes tidbits from a MyHeritage insider.

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Upcoming event

Finding Your Canadian Ancestors on MyHeritage
This session will show how MyHeritage can help you find your Canadian ancestors through filters while searching through the records. A list of which Canadian records are available will be provided.
Lianne Kruger
Jun 25, 2024
Register now View full schedule

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